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Private Wealth Management and Family Office

Forum LATAM in Miami

Miami   |   USA   |   October 18th, 2019  |  8:00 am to 12:30 pm




Chris Geczy, PhD

“Private Wealth Management Trends”


Chris Geczy has been on the Finance Faculty at Wharton since 1997 and is Academic Director of the Jacobs Levy Equity Management Center for Quantitative Financial Research. He is also Academic Director of the Wharton Wealth Management Initiative at Wharton Executive Education. He has a B.A. in economics from the University of Pennsylvania and a Ph.D. in finance and econometrics from the Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago.

Dr. Geczy regularly teaches investment management and co-created the first full course on hedge funds at The Wharton School, the course Impact Investing, and a number of executive education courses. He has taught AIMR/CFA Institute-accredited professional Risk Management courses through the University of Chicago's Graduate School of Business. Before his studies at Chicago, Chris worked for the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C., in its Division of Research and Statistics. Chris is a Fellow of the Wharton Financial Institutions Center and has been the New York Stock Exchange Fellow and the Geewax-Terker Fellow at the Rodney L. White Center for Financial Research at Wharton. He has been the Academic Director of a number of Wharton Executive Education programs including the 2009 Securities Industry Institute in partnership with SIFMA, the Investment Management Consultants Association Endowments and Foundations, Alternative Investments and the advanced Investment Strategist Certificate programs.

He serves on Intel’s US Retirement Plans’ Investment Policy Committee. He has served on the Economic Advisory Board of NASDAQ, acts as an editor of the Journal of Alternative Investments and serves on the Advisory Board of the Journal of Wealth Management. Chris is a founding board member of the Mid-Atlantic Hedge Fund Association (Chairman 2007- 2008), and he serves on the curriculum and exam committee of the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Association (CAIA). Chris also serves on the board of the Alexander Hamilton Friends Association.

Current research focuses on multifactor models, wealth management, risk management, asset allocation, the performance of managed funds, and various aspects of equity lending and short-selling. His work has appeared in numerous books and scholarly journals including the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, and the Journal of Political Economy. It has also been reported in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Financial Times, Forbes, NPR, SmartMoney magazine, on CNBC’s Squawk Box and in numerous other media




Marcelo Marques-Cohen
Family Business School
+ 1 305 748 0862 


Conrad Hotel  Brickell Miami

1395 Brickell Ave, Miami, FL 33131

Payments by Credit Cards

XII Congresso Nacional de Empresas Familiares,

Family Office e Gestão de Patrimônio

São Paulo   |   Brasil   |   Novembro 14 -2019

A Family Business School tem o prazer infomar que será realizado em São Paulo o "XII Congresso Nacional de Empresas Familiares, Family Office e Gestão de Patrimônio". Na oportunidade, teremos como palestrantes destacadas personalidades do ambiente empresarial e acadêmico do Brasil e USA, que vão relatar a história das suas empresas e temas relativos a Planejamento e Gestão Patrimonial, Family Office, Planejamento Sucessório, Governança Corporativa e Familiar; e o novos Desafios no Atual Cenário Econômico Mundial e Brasileiro.




Hotel Unique São Paulo 
Av. Brigadeiro
Luis Antonio, 4700,
Jardim Paulista. São Paulo


Marcelo Marques-Cohen
Family Business School
+55 1131976595 

Pagamento com cartão de crédito

"Private Wealth Management and Family Office Forum LATAM" will be held in Miami, Florida on October, 18. 2019.


The speakers are distinguished academics and business leaders from LATAM and USA. They will talk about subject related to Family Office, Private Wealth Management, Family Governance, Investments in Silicon Valley,  Industry Challenges and Economic Scenarios.

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